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2 Jul


Have you seen those fashion icons that bring back a time period, and they look so beautiful? Now you, yes you, can be that fashion icon and make the 60’s back in style.


For a very popular 1960s look, wear a mini skirt with a long collared shirt tied at the collar with a black ribbon, or a smock dress covered in loud patterns finished off with high boots. White patent leather boots, known as “go go” boots are an ideal choice of 60s footwear.

Another great 60s look is to wear a striped top or dress put together with black tights or leggings. Wet look PVC was just starting to come into fashion in the 1960s, so these can be worn instead of normal black leggings for a stunning look.

Big earrings are a key ingredient to 60s style, big chandelier style earrings, hoops and fun shapes are a must. To make the outfit complete, you could add bug eyed sunglasses and a large sunhat. All of these accessories together make a stunning combination.

– Big eyes were a running theme of 1960s make up. Wear white eyeliner on your waterline (rather than black) to open up your eyes and make them look wider.

– Look up famous people from the 60s and see their style.

– When you put curlers on, read the directions; there are usually some great tips for curls.

– Don’t go over the top! Add a modern touch to your outfit.

– Mick & Keith is a must-read. It’s about Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Read about what the days were back then. It will inspire you like never before.

– Read about the 60’s. Do a Google or Wikipedia search and find out more. Know your history!

– Before putting on jeans, ask yourself, “Would Jane Fonda wear jeans in the 1960s?”

– If you feel like looking like a late 60s hippie, avoid too much eyeshadow. A lot of makeup in general is kind of against the hippy look; they tend to stand for earthy things, so try to stay neutral. You could dust a lime green eyeshadow over your lids paired with a light wisp of mascara only at the outer edges of your top and bottom lashes to get that dewy hippie look. Try a chapstick without shine to have the hippie famous lip.

– Listen to music from the 60’s. Listen to the Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Zombies, Rolling Stones, Marianne Faithfull ,The Shirelles, The Ronettes, The Monkees, Stevie Wonder, The Animals, The Crystals,Sammy Davis Junior, Frank Sinatra and Eric Clapton. You’ll feel great and it will put you in the mood. The 60s wasn’t only about hippies, there were lots of other styles in that year, Mod and Beatnicks etc….

– If you want an early sixties look, swipe on red lipstick and think of Mad Men.


  • coco

    imi plac tare mult plicurile acestea supradimensionate !

    July 2, 2013 at 7:56 AM Reply

    Ținuta ta confirmă potența unor accesorii bine alese în economia unei ținute.

    Plicul și încălțările sunt aboslut bestiale.
    Nu îndrăzesc să gândesc cât au costat….

    July 2, 2013 at 1:31 PM Reply
  • Styletto

    Pentru astfel de incaltari iti trebuie ceea ce se numeste ,,boldness” -le-am vazut la H&M in Paris, mi-au atras atentia si m-am gandit ,,sandalele astea sunt muuult prea nordice ca stil, prea arhitecturale, nu mi se potrivesc.” Acum ca le vad la tine, mi se confirma intuitia…asta nu ma impiedica sa imi placa si sa le admir in constructia stilistica propusa de tine.

    July 5, 2013 at 8:24 PM Reply
  • Carmen Negoiță

    Si eu sunt fan plicuri supradimensionate Coco.

    August 4, 2013 at 8:53 AM Reply
  • Carmen Negoiță

    Zadin chiar nu au costat mult. Incaltarile sunt H&M iar plicul de la Other Stories, un brand, care apartine tot H&M-ului. Asa ca poti sa te imbraci interesant si fara piese foarte scumpe.

    August 4, 2013 at 8:55 AM Reply
  • Carmen Negoiță

    Styletto ai dreptate. Ele sunt foarte arhitecturale, dar mie imi place mult stiul asta. Multumesc pentru aprecieri.

    August 4, 2013 at 8:56 AM Reply

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