Welcome back to my kitchen. Today I want to show you a simple, nourishing & delicious recipe: banana milkshake. I know at first sight it seems a basic recipe, but what I do and want to get you used to do the same, is to add superfoods in almost everything you consume.
Why? Because these ingredients, in very small quantities bring you a fantastic nutrients intake without calories, a problem which is on everybody’s mind, who is interested in a healthy lifestyle.
Like I said in the video, I hope soon, if time will be on my part, what superfoods I have and use in my home. Surely, this will not be the last time you’ll hear me talk about them. I discovered them approximately two years ago and I really believe in their benefits.
If you don’t know where to buy them, I recommend you go to Bioritmo or online on Superalimente.ro, Driedfruits, Beorganic or Pronat.
In today’s recipe we’ll use:
- One banana
- 350 ml almond milk, see video
- A hand of caju
- A flat spoon of maca
- Half of spoon of lucuma
- A bit of vanilla powder
- A bit of cinnamon
Mixed for one minute and it’s ready!!
I use this milkshake as breakfast or before a workout as a snack. It is very nourishing, it gives you energy instantly and it digests easily.
Wish you a day full of energy and I’m going to write the post about superfoods. If you do not have patience and you want to research them, go for the Superfoods book by David Wolfe, the first book that helped me understand the importance of superfoods.
Photo and video by Iuliana Popescu

Am sarit peste maca si lucuma si a fost delicios! Poate pe viitor le cumpar si pe ele, dar momentan sunt multumita si cu variant simplificata 😀
Ma bucur sa te cunosc,te-am descoperit de curand si te citesc cu mare interes.
Imi place mult stilul si atitudinea ta!
Avem nevoie de femei ca tine in Romania!
Te rog sa ne spui,sa impartasesti cu noi stilul tau de viata sanatos,ce mananci intr-o zi,saptamana,ce carti ai citit cu a fost inceputul….ma fascineaza tot ce tine de nutritie.incerc sa-mi disciplinez stilul de a manca sanatos,sunt la inceput ,caut carti potrivite,oameni care stiu si au un stil de viata sanatos,asa ca Tine!
O zi frumoasa ,Sa Zambesti??