During this period, after the holidays, we hear more and more about how to get back in shape and how the fastest solution is detox.
Well, let me tell your that this detox is often misunderstood. For many, it means eating everything they can today and, tomorrow, for 3-5 days, consume only juice. And that’s it! Then return to the disorganized eating habits of before. I believe this approach is more harmful to the body than not doing at all.
Our body has a memory and, over time, gets used to our habits. When we suddenly decide to eat healthy for a short period of time, it gets confused. A detox should be a restart to another kind of lifestyle and our body needs time to adjust to these new habits.
I did a detox juice diet once, in an organized setting, away from daily problems with quiet beach workouts at 6 am. Plus many other elements that doesn’t make the detox a burden so after you don’t go back to your usual eating habits.
I remember how much good that detox did to me, done by the book, that after I left for home, I was so relaxed and at peace with myself, that I wasn’t speeding like usual , but go with a maximum of 100 km / h on the highway, relaxed, smiling and admiring the sky and nature around me. This is what it means to restart your body.
I would like to tell you more at the workshop that we’re having on Sunday with nutritionist Alina Stoica and mentor Paul Abram. We are waiting for you this Sunday, January 17, at 17:00 at Rawyal Brunch & Cakes at Bucharest Mall (between Mango and Mac), where we can talk freely about what this detox means.
And I do not know if I got to tell you, but our little healthy project Rawyal Brunch & Cakes, has expanded to three new locations AFI Cotroceni Palace, Afi Ploiesti and Bucharest Vitan Mall. (The photos in this post from in the renovated Ardeleni Street nr 24 location).
And I have a little surprise for you! Tell me in comments which is your favorite Rawyal product, and after a week one lucky winner will receive it as a gift.
Waiting for you Sunday in Bucharest Mall!
Kiss Kiss
Photos by Iuliana Popescu

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