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Carmen Negoita / Posts tagged "Kit Travel Makeup"
20 ian.

What a great trip! And I’m not even there yet!

A couple of days ago I’ve read a very interesting article in the New York Times which began like this: What a great trip! And I’m not even there yet! I thought it was funny start but when I read more, I realized how much true it is. Every time I plan a trip there’s a huge dose of adrenaline, I’m happy and every day passes easy, because I wait the day I’ll. The article highlights the fact that we’re happier when we anticipate a trip and whatever bad happens during a trip it will not take us the joy of preparations. You can read the full article here. This is how I felt for the last few week. Because I couldn’t...
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20 ian.

Ce calatorie extraordinara! Si nici nu am ajuns inca acolo

Am citit zilele trecute un articol foarte interesant in New York Times care incepea exact asa: What a great trip! And I’m not even there yet! Ce calatorie extraordinara! Si nici nu am ajuns inca acolo! Mi s-a parut haios la inceput, dar cand am citit mi-am dat seama cata dreptate are acest titlu.De fiecare data cand planific o excursie am o mare doza de adrenalina, sunt fericita si fiecare zi trece mai usor, pentru ca astept cu nerabdare ziua in care voi pleca. Articolul scoate in evidenta faptul ca suntem mai fericiti cand anticipam o calatorie si orice s-ar intampla rau pe parcursul unei calatorii, nimic nu ne va lua bucuria pregatirilor. Tot articolul este aici.Asa ma simt si...
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