We live in a world of contrasts, that is certain. Fashion isn’t an exception. The black and white combo, was and is so explored by the designers that it isn’t a trend anymore, but a classic line. And we just love to play with this two noncolors. It’s a stylish game that we can fit in the “back to basics” category.
We return every time with the same pleasure. I often think the woman who dresses in black and white definitely lives a colorful life!
Today I preferred a less classical approach. This outfit with a futuristic vibe goes perfectly with the event I’m attending. – Feeric Fashion Days / Alba Iulia. A happening at which I’m participating for the second time with the same joy.
So… I salute you with love from Alba Iulia and I promise I’ll keep you posted with everything happening here.
Photography by Iuliana Popescu
Today I’m wearing:
Shoes – Ana Parvan touched by Carmen Negoita / Pants – BCBG Max Azria / Shirt – Smaranda Almasan for Band of Creators / Sunglasses – Linda Farrow / Bag – Lulu Guinness / Ring – Topshop / Necklaces – M’s FireFly
Interesanta tinuta alb-negru adoptata. Are ceva androgyn, punctata bine prin pantalonul skinny dar si noua coafura pixy adoptata, care accentueaza bine un anumit stil.
Combinatia alb-negru e chique intotdeauna pt. cei care stiu sa o puncteze pt. a nu cadea in prea multa predictibilitate iar dvs. ati armonizat frumos accesoriile poseta – pantofi dar si pantalonul skinny alb/negru.