The sea… it reminds me of when I was a young girl. The first time when I smelled the sea, the sound and the colours. The excitement and the fear. The detail in the things you find when exploring the unknown between the rocks. Every second was a new expierence. It was the discovery of a whole new world that I never new existed. The sea is alive, it moves in it’s own way and it speaks a language only children and animals can understand. I lost this gift over years as we as humans tend to get use to things very fast and started focusing on the beautiful creatures on the beach 🙂 Anyway, lovelies, we have to enjoy the summer!
very inspiring!
Lovely dress! Love that bag, it’s amazing, great colour!
I dare you to be fashion
f faina rochia
Carmen Negoiță
Thanks Monique, Diana and I dare you to be fashion! :*