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Carmen Negoita / Posts tagged "Deserturi Raw"
15 Jan

How to get back in shape after the holidays

During this period, after the holidays, we hear more and more about how to get back in shape and how the fastest solution is detox. Well, let me tell your that this detox is often misunderstood. For many, it means eating everything they can today and, tomorrow, for 3-5 days, consume only juice. And that's it! Then return to the disorganized eating habits of before. I believe this approach is more harmful to the body than not doing at all. Our body has a memory and, over time, gets used to our habits. When we suddenly decide to eat healthy for a short period of time, it gets confused. A detox should be a restart to another kind of lifestyle and our...
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4 Apr

Raw Banana pudding

My dears, even if I didn’t post a recipe on the blog in a long time, I have been searching and experiementing all sorts of combinations.Today I want to show you a pudding which was very good. Probably because I like bananas. I used a banana, 100 ml almond milk, three teaspoons of chia seeds, one teaspoon of coconut oil and one teaspoon of cinnamon. I put them in the blender and mixed them very well. I also made a dates sauce with orange juice and a litte cardamom. You leave the pudding in the fridge half an hour and after that you add the sauce.When I took the pictures, I realized it would have been a good ideea to add some...
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