This treatment is the sensation among Hollywood stars and beyond. Try this revolutionary system of skin regeneration, taking advantage Ladies Lounge now offer:
It is a revolutionary non-envasive system that replace traditional treatments with botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid.
Its is a relaxing treatment chemicals to maintain the effect of botulinum toxin or fine wrinkles with visible results after the first session. It helps to instantly hydrate the skin and gives it increased firmness. Wrinkles and fine lines are visibly reduced and contours of the face is enhanced by simulating the production of collagen and elastin.
We fear the passage of time…gradually while not forgive and will mark our face. We want eternal youth, freshness, admiration, glamour and touch of “glamour” inspired by Hollywood stars… Especially if you get past of the first youth, your skin should not have to suffer and have to look young, firm, fresh and bright. Says stop wrinkles and fight the signs of ageing!
It has been shown scientifically that ageing is caused by decreased blood supply to tissues, therefor reducing the dose of oxygen at the cellular level. Therefore we have oxygenated deep skin, not only the surface.
The perfect solution: treatment with hyperbaric oxygen combined with virtual mesotherapy, facial massage and acupressure. By oxygenation strong skin, face lift, remove wrinkles, looking bright and revitalised skin. You’ll see the effects right from the first session!
Oxaderm – hyperbaric oxygen therapy is an innovative technique that consists of a percutaneous injection of oxygen (air turned into pure oxygen) and active principles in the form of serum.
Ce frumos te-ai răsfăţat. Sunt convinsă că a fost foarte relaxant.
super! m-ar interesa – ca pe multe dintre cititoarele tale- un pret aproximativ pentru o astfel de sedinta/pachet. Aspectul financiar este foarte important…
Carmen Negoiță
Zadin ai dreptate. M-am rasfatat si imi place mult de tot senzatia de hidratare, pe care o am, cand ies de la un tratament cosmetic. Eu si acasa sunt foarte stricta cu ritualul meu de hidratare :). Ce sa fac? Imi place 🙂
Carmen Negoiță
Andreea poti sa accesezi site-ul lor si o sa gasesti acolo toate tratamentele, care le fac si preturile aferente. Este o rubrica speciala de tarife, dar poti sa te uiti si la rubrica de promotii, pentru ca au tot timpul promotii foarte avantajoase. Sper ca am reusit sa iti fiu de ajutor.
multumesc tare tare mult! am vazut ulterior ca au lista de preturi dar deja postasem intrebarea. cat despre blog in general as putea sa spun ca imi place foarte mult si ca as cam vrea sa fur cateva piese f tari pe care le ai in garderoba! 🙂 keep up the good work!
Carmen Negoiță
Ma bucur ca iti place blogul meu Andreea. Din pacate nu ma indur sa dau haine din postarile mele, pentru ca toate sunt foarte recente si inca in tendinte. Dar peste ceva timp sigur mai facem un Blogger’s Yard Sale, cum am facut azi si acolo, poate o sa regasesti cateva din piesele preferate :). Merci mult inca o data pentru aprecieri si pentru ca ma urmaresti. Daca nu te-ai inscris inca pe blog te astept si poate imi iei tu colierul. :). Kiss
ursu luigi
buna ,pe cand o expunere a colectiilor dvs. in milano ?
Carmen Negoiță
Buna ziua domnul Luigi! Din pacate sau din fericire (pentru ca nu ma pricep la design) nu am nici o colectie. Dar mi-ar face mare placere sa vin la Milano oricand. 🙂