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29 May



In my first traveling post I told you about Catania and Palermo, two very beautiful cities I’ve visited on my trip to Sicily. On this occasion I also had the pleasure of visiting the city of Taormina and Mount Etna.
If you are looking for adventure, but also for a wonderful city to relax in, these two destinations will surely tick all the boxes. 
After a night that seemed to be too short, I returned to Catania, met my friend Lavinia and decided to get to the top of the tallest active volcano in Europe (3.340 m). Due to the frequent eruptions of the past years, it is also considered to be the most active volcano in the world, so were expecting to have an amazing experience, which we did.
The car journey up to 1800m takes approximately 1 hour, it’s full of serpentines and amazing views. Then, for the second part of the journey we took the funicular ( ) up to 2600 m- the only way to get to the craters area. But we wanted to get even closer to the beautiful smoking landscape, so we walked to the closest peak, on a road that was at first covered in snow and then in volcanic rocks. Up there the air was cold as ice, but we sat down on the hot rocks and watched the fury of the mountain that contrasted the absolute silence all around. You can get even closer to the volcano by authorized 4x4s , but unfortunately for us, these weren’t available at that time. We were not surprised by a sudden eruption, but it did happen two weeks after…



    Wow, pozele sunt incredibile. Sunteţi foarte norocoşi pentru că aveţi şansa să ajungeţi în astfel de locuri.

    May 29, 2013 at 6:27 AM Reply
  • coco

    wawww…astept partea 2-a !!!

    May 29, 2013 at 9:39 AM Reply
  • Carmen Negoiță

    Asa este Zadin. Daca as putea sa imi permit, as vizita toata lumea. Sa descoperi locuri noi, sa vezi tot felul de oameni mi se pare foarte interesant. Singurele amintiri, care raman pentru toata viata.

    June 8, 2013 at 7:45 PM Reply

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