While we are waiting for spring it’s good to stay away from the cold. And not in any way, but in the most stylish way possible. We cover our head, but how? The hats are not exactly the most efficient solution against cold. Our ears will freeze. We still have an option- the fur cap. But…yes, I know. They are not the coolest. But we can make them. Forget the classic one. Now you can wear beanie fur caps (English term). They make you think about the Smurfs, but they are cool. This is the coolest and most stylish way of protecting our head from the cold. What is more, these beanie hats go with every outfit. Try them and you will see. In the first phase, these accessories were appreciated and worn by the celebrities, and then we started to insert them in our outfits. You know that the story of these hats began in the ’20? They were worn by the primary school boys.
Done! We solved the problem of red and frozen ears. With style and personality.
Photography by IULIANA POPESCU
MANGO – Gradient knit beanie hat
NEFF – Green knit beanie hat
BAND OF CREATORS – Black oversized beanie hat

Ador caciulile,bastile french style,chiar si o caciula de blana,caci exista si modele mai “cool”,fascinators,orice uese din tipar.Imi plac aceste accesorii si pentru utilitate,dar mi se pare ca dau personalitate unei tinute.Asadar,mi se pare suuuper outfit-ul!!