Video and photography by Iuliana Popescu
As I promised last week, today we start the series of awesome makeup tutorials with Sephora Romania. First order of business, How to prepare your skin for makeup! Now, how do you do that? Do you moisturize and then apply foundation, or do you apply foundation directly? Sephora’s make up artist walked me through the right process.
The first step is to clean your face even though you didn’t use any makeup products that day, micellar water is perfect for that task, we used Rexaline’s Hydrating Micellar Water for face and eyes at it gently hydrates your skin.
After, it is crucial to moisturize so that your skin remains silky & smooth throughout the day and after you remove the make up. We used a moisturizing face cream from Stricvetin.
The last step is to use a base for the foundation, that’s when Rexaline’s Premium Line Killer came in handy, with subtle sparkly particles and a formula that is anti-wrinkles, anti-dark circles, anti-puffiness and hyper hydrating.
So, yes, that’s about all.

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Makeup Tutorial 1 - How to prepare your skin for makeup
Carmen Negoita
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Ana Maria Tatucu
Din ce am vazut, demachierea fetei se efectua cand ochii erau deja machiati, la fel si buzele aveau ruj aplicat, nu stiu cum poti demachia un ten cand ai rujul aplicat….. cam ciudata tehnica, in plus miscarile erau descendente care nu fac decat sa dauneze formei fetei, chiar si la un ten frumos ca al tau. Sunt minunate produsele Strivectrin, insa prin acest film chiar nu sunt puse in valoare, gasind articolul acesta si vazand produsele, ma asteptam la ceva mai relevant. Pentru zonele de roseata, Multumesc de intelegere.
Carmen Negoita
Ana Maria fata nu era machiata. Eu am tatuaj la buze si ochi. Pe partea de tehnica stiu teoria, dar miscarea corecta o poti face doar daca stai intinsa pe un pat sau sa o faci singur. Pe un scaun este destul de greu sa faci miscarea de jos in sus. Nu era un filmulet de prezentare a produselor Strivectin, ci doar sa aratam domnisoarelor importanta pregatirii tenului pentru machiaj. Am completat putin ideea din postul meu anterior, in care am povestit mai multe tehnici prin care eu imi intretin tenul.
Ana Maria Tatucu
…Strivectin, scuze, am scris gresit in primul comentariu.