My dears, I am ending today the Feeric Fashion Days adventure with the third outfit. One that respects today’s trends. I have already said that yellow is IN this summer, mostly mixed with black and white. Check out the asymmetric vest created by Romanian brand Aer. You can make the simplicity of one outfit outstanding by adding an edgy item. It is good that we have young talented fashion designes who are very inventive. We continue with this Romanian fashion adventure with a leather geometrical bag, with architectural lines which is one ‘to die for’. You can find these items at Band Of Creators. If you haven’t arrived in this shop yet, I think you should do it soon. These photos speak are more than convincing. I wish you have a stylish weekend!
- Photography by IULIANA POPESCU
- Location ALBA IULIA

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FFD - Black or White?
Carmen Negoita
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Super, tinuta! Imi place tare mult plicul, chiar e ceva deosebit, insa nici vesta nu e mai prejos!