My dears, as you have already seen in my Facebook and Instagram photos, I have spent one 100% Romanian weekend alongside 15 fashion bloggers, all invited by our friend, Laura Maxim, in Maramures, the proper region for this kind of activity. In order to feel the local vibe, we decided that one day we wear something traditional. Though it wasn’t the first time I had worn traditional costume (click here), this time all of us had to mix tradition with modern, in one personal way. Imagine that everything became more interesting as I was surrounded by 15 creative girls.
If you have already seen their posts, you realized that each of us used her own style. Even though I like manly outfits, this time I chose one liana dress, a beautiful item which I accessorized with one hat. How can we mix a Romanian liana ia with Alexander Wang, Top Shop și Yves Saint Laurent? If you think it is an interesting outfit, then I promise I will wear an authentic traditional one during the next Fashion Week.
Many thanks, for the wonderful weekend spent in Maramures, to our host Laura Maxim, who organized this great reunion, to Hotel Romanița Recea, Lumiere Lumiere restaurant, the unique hotel train Carpatia Express, and everyone who welcomed us, and last, but not least,, for the special dress.

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Fashion bloggers celebrating Romanian tradition in Maramures
Carmen Negoita
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