Even if the summer is gone, for some the ice cream remains their favorite dessert. I am not a big fan of ice cream, but once in a while… couldn’t hurt – particularly the homemade one.
Last time I wrote about frozen bananas ice cream, but now I played with some frozen berries. I love forest fruits and every winter I fill in my freezer mostly with berries which I use for smoothies and ice cream.
How is it made?
A mix of fruits is blended with a small quantity of water or almond milk until you obtain a composition that can be poured in dishes. However, try not to make it too liquid so the flavor of the fruits will preserve. After that, pour the composition in different forms, leave it one night in the freezer and that’s it. For those who prefer it sweeter, you can add honey or lucuma, a natural sweetener and superfood.
Photography by IULIANA POPESCU

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Homemade ice cream
Carmen Negoita
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