Today, on the 1st of December, everyone remembers to be Romanian and myself too, of course. Because my children don’t have this celebration rooted in their lives yet, I tried to explain to them what it means a little. And since one of the Romanian values is “ia”, the traditional women shirt, I made for them and for me three modern outfits based on the “ia” from Of course that the first reaction was “I’m not going to wear this, because it’s a popular costume”, and then I explained to them that “ia” has been more than that for a while now. It’s a fashion item, which the adults include in their daily outfits and why not, the children also. And the Romanian “ia” was an inspiration for great designers like Jean Paul Gaultier or Yves Saint Laurent. I don’t know if I convinced them with this last argument, but I’m sure that I convinced you. Even if this reinterpreting the “ia” trend is persisting for some years now, I’m not bored yet. Every time I can, I happily wear our traditional “ia”. And my newest great passion is the traditional aprons, which I wear over jeans or any kind of trousers (the ones who were yesterday at my blog’s aniversary or saw the picture on Instagram or Facebook understand why I say so). You can find the items on, and I wish you a beautiful day , the day of the Romanians.
From Ingrid, Harry and Carmen

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