My dears, I can’t believe that it’s been two years since I started this adventure. I began in a shy way, without knowing the secrets of this job, but I learned on the way and I still have a lot to learn, but I have a joy, because I know I succeeded to inspire a lot of you. I know that at times I shocked you with my outfit choices and there are deffinitely going to be more of that moments, but my explosive and energetic nature inspire me sometimes to take such decisions. But don’t forget that fashion is not maths, it’s a moment’s fantasy which we transpose into reality through clothes. So dare for more and don’t be afraid of what people around you are saying. Believe in yourselves, because only the right attiduine can get you where you want.
I know for sure that this is the road I want to be on even if sometimes I cut back on my sleep or I get tired, the pleasure of doing what I like is greater. To be a blogger requires a lot of work: imagination, inspiration, constant presence online and offline, permanent connection to the trends that change amazingly fast and many others, but when you get credit for the things you do well it compensates all the work. And I am glad, because my work has been really appreciated lately and for that I have to thank you, my dear readers, who follow me every day on the blog, on Facebook and Instagram. And because we are at the thanking chapter, I would like to thank the people behind me, who have supported me in these last two years.
George Enache is the man I started this adventure with, who made the graphics for my blog, for my posts, who gave me courage to dare more in choosing the outfits and the man who thaught me a lot about the history of fashion. You saw very little of him on the blog, because he doesn’t want to get in the front, even if I’m trying to make him share of his great experience. Thank you, George!
Responsible for my pictures is mostly Iuliana Popescu. She is the one who struggles with me in the cold or great heat to make pictorials as professional as possible and for that I thank her.
I used to collaborate with Madalina Dumitriade before, with whom I discovered what the model posture means. Thank you, Madalina, for being so patient with a begginer. And for a part of the shootings from the Fashion Weeks I want to thank Rares Pulbere, Oana Mihoc, George Maracineanu and Leo Klim. Dears, thank you for everything.
Responsible for my looks are two very dear friends, professionals also. Camelia Negrea has been my hair stylist for almost seven years now and the one who tries to understand all the changes in my color and style, who stops me when the rage to cut my hear emerges.
I met Bianca Marca one year and so ago and we’ve been working together ever since. She does my make-up really fast on the way to an event and comes to my place at seven in the morning to do my make-up because I have to go to a shooting. She is a professional and a dear friend. My dears, thank you.
And because besides being a blogger, I am also a public person (thing which is not always easy), my PRs Sorin Dutoiu and Cristian Stan have done a great job in managing my relationship with the press. Dears, thank you for all that you’ve done for me and for all the encouragements. Monden Press Agency rulzz!
And I wanted to leave for the end the most special thanks, because they are to my family. To my children, Ingrid and Harold, who understand me because I have to travel a lot (but I can be authoritation even through the phone), to my mother, Gabriela, who has always been by my side, to my sister, Andreea and my cousin, Monica, with whom I work together at Rawyal Brunch&Cakes.
They are my biggest outfit critics. And if I would have to enumerate all my family we would be here a while, but they know who they are and they are there, by my side, no matter what. I love you all!
In the end, my dear readers, I invite you to leave me a message if you liked or didn’t like a post, a clothing item or an attitude. I want to learn, to grow and to become better for myself and for you I always want to be a source of inspiration and I can only do this with your help.
Love, Carmen
P.S.: I thank all of you who made some time to wish me well on my birthday. Kisses.
Oana M
La multi ani, Carmen! Cu intarziere, dar asa se intampla lucrurile…
Incerc sa-mi amintesc cum am aterizat pe blogul tau… cred ca am citit un articol in care se facea referire la tine, am dat o cautare si… am devenit fan 🙂 imi amintesc doar ca-n primul post pe care l-am vazut erau niste poze din Italia (parca) si ti-am si scris ca mi-au placut mult pantofii tai si/sosetele. Mi-au placut muuuulte outfit-uri de atunci. Ne-ai solicitat, la un moment dat, sa facem un top. Sa fim serioase! Prea dificil.
Imi place ca esti ingenioasa si originala si Colorataaaa!!!
Esti pe drumul cel bun si noi suntem cu ochii pe tine. 😉
Multi ani inainte!!