I know that this may seem strange to many, but I’m not a fan of chocolate and yes, I know I’m one of the lucky ones, because many people adore this dessert. So it’s one less pleasure for me. But from time to time it’s good to make an exception.
Today I’m going to give you something to enjoy. I tested a new recipe which turned out to be really good. I ate the mousse, I liked it, but it’s not something I would eat every day. But for the chocolate lovers it’s definitelly a delice so I’m going to share the recipe.
I peeled one avocado and a banana, I put them in the blender and I added orange juice and peel. I passed them a litle and after that I added 2 spoons of agave syrup, ½ spoon of vanilla, 15 g of raw cocoa and 30g of carob powder. I mixed them well until they became a creamy paste. It can be consumed right away or after some time in the fridge. I said this before: the consistency is given by the power of the blender. I work with Thermomix, which is the most powerful kitchen robot, so don’t be scared if your mousse is not as soft as the one in the picture. The most important thing is to obtain the desired taste. And here I invite you to play with the ingredients. If you like chocolate very much, especially the black one, you can add more cocoa. I reduced the quantity from the innitial recipe, and next time I will put even less cocoa. It’s all about taste.
You can find the original recipe in the Raw vegan with Thermomix book from which I will certainly select more recipes to try and share with you. I’m waiting for your opinion on this recipe which I will try to adapt to my taste and maybe in short time you will be able to buy it from Rawyal Brunch&Cakes www.rawyal.

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