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2 Apr

Green mood for Milan Fashion Week

“Simplicity is the essence of true elegance”, said Coco Chanel.

I thought it’s good to start with this quote, because sometimes we have the tendency to forget about simplicity and we like to make things complicated. Especially when talking about fashion. The tendency to add a lot of accessories, the habit of putting on too much make-up. Not to talk about opulence.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and see things more detached. Fashion and personal style don’t mean to stand out at any cost. Sometimes a relaxed style or a simple outfit can be so much more suitable. Not to talk about the fact that attitudine means everything. In the end, beauty and personal style come from within and are reflected on the outside.

For Milan Fashion Week I had in mind exactly the things I mentioned above. So, today I’m presenting an outfit with a simple style, a light outfit, but an elegant one. Simple and effective. The leather bag from YVY BAGS and the green URBAN POST coat are the hot elements of my outfit.

For the end I prepared other wise words from Coco Chanel. “A woman with quality shoes is never ugly.” So true! You all know that I have a shoe obsession. Or more likely shoes are the weakness of many women. In my outfit I’m wearing a pair of shoes signed by Ana Parvan, made together with me.

Sweet hugs. See you soon.

Photography by Iuliana Popescu

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (7)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (8)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (6)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (11)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (9)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (1)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (3)

Green coat, Milan Fashion Week, Carmen Negoita, (5)

Green mood for Milan Fashion Week
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Green mood for Milan Fashion Week
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1 Comment
  • Flavia

    Pantofii sint superbi ca de altfel tot ansamblul! Felicitari! Imi place mult culoarea aceasta de verde ceva intre verde combinat cu turquoise si teal in nuanta usor pastelata iar pe dvs. arata f. proaspat.

    July 20, 2015 at 11:49 PM Reply

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