Blue, the color of the sky and ocean. I preffer it because I always have a wide color range. Claasic, cobalt blue, ciel blue or aquamarine. What is more, it’s easily combined with other bright colors. This season the designers have decided! Blue &White- the coolest combination.
Obviously, I adopted the trend. So I decided to wear a pair of blue trousers from Band Of Creators with a blue low-cut back top. I chose blue to the tip of my toes also, I wore a pair of Balenciaga sandals. The result? I leave you to comment, dear friends.
And in the end, let’s cut it short. Like I did with my hair! In the next post I will present you my new look! Just… love it! And we will talk about the trends in hair design. Kisses! See you soon!
Photography by Iuliana Popescu
E frumoasa combinatia alb-albastru cobalt, foarte rafinata, de altfel.
Bluza purtata e interesanta, merge bine cu pantalonul, desi in sine nu are multa functionalitate, dincolo de a fi insinuanta. Nu poti purta o asemenea bluza pe caldura pentru ca are fata absolut acoperita, cu guleras si de asemeni nu o poti purta la un birou pt. ca e f. descoperita in spate.
Dar pt. o plimbare pe faleza, tinuta e f. potrivita.