My dears,
Unfortunately, there are just a few days left until we say goodbye to summer. It’s true, fall has its beauty, but summer, at least for me, means warn, holiday, fluid outfits, details that I love. How was summer for me? Restless. I have enjoyed just a few full days at the beach, in Turkey, with my kids and my friends. Otherwise, many weekends when I mixed work with the pleasure of visiting new places and beautiful people. Inconvenience? I had it, but I prefer not talking about this in order not to loose the positive energy. I have nice memories, after all, and the most precious ones are linked to our special moments, places and persons in our lives. Either we keep them inside our hearts, in photos, either right on the hand. How? By wearing a Pandora bracelet.
If you also have nice summer memories about dear folks in your life, I might be able to help you remember them more often. How? By joining the following contest, you may win a Pandora charm bracelet which will remind you about the summer.
Enter my Instagram page (@carmennegoita) and leave a comment at this post where you describe, in just one word, the person from your Instagram list who has provided you the most wonderful memories by now. Do NOT forget to mention his or her name linked to her Instagram account (@name) and also writing the hashtags #pandora and #carmennegoita (eg: honest @mihaelacernat #pandora #carmennegoita).
More details about Pandora charms, on www.pandora.net
The winner will be randomly selected and announced on September 15th. Good luck!

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Carmen Negoita
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