As I announced you last Friday, we continue talking about new types of chia pudding which I adore. Today I give you a mix of chia with blackberry, which looks amazing, as you can see. This is just my inspiration for the moment, but you can play with any other fruits you want, as long as you respect some basic indications, good for digestion. Try to use just one type of fruit, either acids or sweets, because combined they make the digestion difficult (it depends really on each organisms). Therefore, when you try new mixes, analyze how you feel afterwards. There is no recipe that works well for everybody.
Chia pudding (you can find the recipe here) is mixed with blackberry until it gets a darker color. Be careful to mix it slowly as for the seeds to remain unbroken. I put one layer of blackberry, then hazelnuts, nuts, almonds (or other seeds you prefer) mixed just a bit so that they remain crunchy, one layer of raspberry, almond flakes, one layer or squeezed kiwi, another layer of blackberry and then I decorated it with berries, pistachio and mashed almonds.
This way of layering in the glass is just for it to look spectacular, for the picture, but, if you do not have time for this, as it often happens to me, mix everything in one bowl, because the taste will be the same, delicious.
I hope you like it and that you will try it this weekend and as long as you can still find fresh berries in the markets. Happy weekend!

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Budinca de chia cu mure
Carmen Negoita
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