Paris, mon amour!
Ah, Paris, the city of lights!
I visited it several times and I can definitely agree with Victor Hugo saying “Respirer Paris, cela conserve l’âme” (Breathing Paris preserves your soul). This city keeps mesmerizing me every time I see it. But on this occasion, I was particularly marveled as it was the first time I went for Paris Fashion Week. Such experience made me love this city even more. It was tres fantastique and in the next few days I’ll share with you few pieces of my travel journal.
Dears… I hope you’ll love the first photo-set made in the city of love. Enjoy it and see you soon! Bisous a tous!
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PFW with AirFrance
Carmen Negoita
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Buna ziua!Nu stiu daca am inteles bine,dar va fi si sectiunea Shop my closet?Multumesc.
Ce mix frumos de culori!
roxana moise
frumoasa combinatie! SUPERB trench!
Flavia Style Source
Interesting idea with the dress under a dress. The styling works great on Carmen.
Carmen Negoiță
Multumesc Flavia, Roxana, Alina :*
Carmen Negoiță
Da Ela o sa fie o sectiune Shop my closet, pe un site de shopping online, la care lucrez acum. O sa anunt cand ii dau drumul. Incerc sa il fac foarte practic pentru voi.