Even if not everyone likes it, the parsley has a lot of nutritional properties. It’s mainly a source of vitamin C, but it also contains calcium, folic acid, betacarotene and many others. In smoothies or other juices you can’t feel the specific taste of persley very well, so you can try it with confidence.
I want to show you today a recipe which I found and I had the curiosity to try it. It had a really good taste and quick to make.
One banana
One orange
One kiwi fruit
One parsley bundle
Two mint leaves
200 ml alemonds milk
You mix all the ingredients in the blender and you serve it right away. Enjoy!

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Smoothie with parsley
Carmen Negoita
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am incercat reteta, desi nu ma prea inteleg eu cu patrunjelul se pare ca ii da o aroma aparte (am incercat si fara patrunjel). a fost f f bun
Maria is on fashion
Mie imi place patranjelul sa-l mananc si crud asa ca voi incerca cu siguranta reteta 🙂
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