My dear friends,
I am so happy to meet with you again. I suppose you noticed that lately I’ve been missing from the blog. But I had a good reason. Let’s start with the beginning. Firstly, the interface of my site has suffered some modifications and I hope you still like it. I decided to do this in order to improve the blogging settings. Secondly, I was intensely preparing for London Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week. About all this adventure I’ll tell you in the next posts on the blog. And thirdly, I prepared a capsule shoe collection in collaboration with Ana Parvan.
I know you’ve heard that I am a huge shoes admirer and that I own an amazing collection. Well, yes. It’s true. I have to admit I am way too vulnerable when it comes to all these temptations. Now I’m tempting you with a shoe collection created with Ana Parvan brand.
I start today with the first stilleto pair. In a strong color, simple, elegant and so… stylish. I counted on feminity, elegance and trendy colors. Still, on the opposite, we also prepared a series of masculine shoes for strong women. You’ll find out more pretty soon.
The good news is these shoes will be available to be bought online soon enough. Yes, my team is working hard to launch an online shop. If you are impatient, you can write to me in private on this email address:
I dearly hug you! See you soon.
Photography by Rares Pulbere
Nu imi place parul tau. Esti o femeie foarte frumoasa. Bretonul nu iti vine deloc bine si culoarea pare fortata spalacita si te face sa pari batrana. Ti-ar sta ff bine cu un bob scurt , culoare inchisa si fara breton. Oricum orice insa nu breton franjurat si culoare aramie. Arati de parca ai lucra intr-o banca. Incearca ceva french chic. Imi plac hainele si outfit-urile tale. Ai un corp frumos . Fii un pic mai relaxata cand contruiesti tinutele pentru ca uneori esti prea chinuita.
Carmen Negoita
Draga mea esti din gasca celor care urasc bretonul meu. Sunteti 2 categorii: unii care ma adora cu breton, altii care il urasc. Chiar nu am cum sa impac pe toata lumea. Dar ca si idee sunt in proces sa imi fac breton pe o parte, ca sa nu imi acopere toata fruntea:). Si tinuta respectiva chiar se vroia a fi mai office.Eu una nu ma simt chinuita. Cand sunt relaxate sunt si eu, cand sunt office sunt sobra, cand sunt dark, la fel si atitudinea. Oricum multumesc pentru aprecieri si sugestii. Weekend frumos!
inchirieri microbuze
Ador fusta iar pantofii sunt de vis! arati atat de fashion!
Carmen Negoita
Multumesc mult. Fusta este Zara iar pantofii din colectia, pe care am facut-o impreuna cu Ana Parvan.
Esti o adevarata sursa de inspiratie, Carmen! De fiecare data vii cu ceva nou. Felicitari pentru munca depusa!
Carmen Negoita
Multumesc mult Oana. Te pup