Raw hot chocolate is a drink good even for me, even if I am not a big fan of chocolate. It’s a light and energizing drink due to the superfoods it contains, and also for the cocoa content.
It’s very easy to prepare with a blender or even by hand, but the ingredients won’t mix up as good.
I put alemond milk and hazelnuts, a little raw cocoa with Carob powder, honey, Lukum and maca. You mix them easily and you can even warm it up, but not more than 40 degrees, because then it’s not going to be raw anymore. Easy, right?
Enjoy and let me know how it was!
Photography by Iuliana Popescu
Ciocolata calda raw este o bautura chiar si pentru mine, care nu prefer atat de mult ciocolata. Este o bautura usoara si energizanta, datorita superalimentelor din ea, dar si pentru continutul de cacao.
Este foarte usor de preparat cu un blender, sau chiar la mana, dar ingredientele nu se vor omogeniza la fel de bine.
Am pus lapte de migdale si alune, putina cacao raw combinata cu pudra de roscove, miere, lucuma si maca. Se amesteca usor si puteti chiar sa o incalziti, dar nu mai mult de 40 grade, pentru ca atunci nu mai este raw . Usor, nu?
Enjoy and let me know how it was!

Monica Stirbu
Nice! <3it!