Pink Martini sings about Una Notte a Napoli. If had a musical talent, I would have written a song about Una Notte a Milano. This fashion capital dressed in the night’s darkness seems so special. The colorful light of the bars, restaurants and boutiques give you the impression of jewels made by old Italian artisans.
To wander Milans’ streets is a true pleasure, especially during fashion week. It is full of people, the style that unites everyone bringing so much joy. Though, the areas with the most open all night places are: Porta Garibaldi, Porta Ticinese, Porta Sempione, Porta Romana and the 2 nocturnal neighborhoods, Navigli & Brera.
For a nocturnal panoramic view, I recommend you do the city tour which costs 55 euros and takes 3 hours. And for the night to be perfect, don’t forget to wear your most stylish & cozy coat. It is possible to be a little cold. I choose a coat from Band of Creators. The rest of things that happen in Milano, stay in Milano.
Ciao A tutti!
Photos by Rares Pulbere

Buna Carmen! te-am ascultat la emisiunea Adinei Halas si desi iti marturisesc ca inainte stilul si blogul tau nu ma atrageau, in timpul emisiunii am descoperit o persoana asa echilibrata si onesta, ca m-ai facut sa devin fana ta! avem in comun bucataria raw (eu stau intr-o tara unde e destul de populara si sunt pasionata de retete de genul asta) si interesul pt moda. te pup si o sa-ti urmaresc cu interes postarile
Carmen Negoita
Ma bucur ca avem lucruri in comun Rox. Iti multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase. O seara minunata