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Carmen Negoita / Posts tagged "Beauty"
15 Jan

How to get back in shape after the holidays

During this period, after the holidays, we hear more and more about how to get back in shape and how the fastest solution is detox. Well, let me tell your that this detox is often misunderstood. For many, it means eating everything they can today and, tomorrow, for 3-5 days, consume only juice. And that's it! Then return to the disorganized eating habits of before. I believe this approach is more harmful to the body than not doing at all. Our body has a memory and, over time, gets used to our habits. When we suddenly decide to eat healthy for a short period of time, it gets confused. A detox should be a restart to another kind of lifestyle and our...
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12 Jan

Five reasons to choose short hair in 2016

The new year couldn’t start without a little look change. It isn’t a radical change like last year, but, truth be told, I ended up wishing short hair like my son. I always wanted this type of hairstyle and I don’t regret taking this step. Lots of my friends ask me if it’s easier or more complicated to maintain this kind of hairstyle. So, I thought of 5 reasons why should get a short hairstyle.I style it in 5 minutes. Don’t imagine that I don’t need to go the hairdresser… But not so often as I did when I had long hair. And, thank God, it’s very good, because in those hours I spent at the hairdresser, now I get work...
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18 Dec

Criosauna- a revolutionary treatment

My dears, this week I have talked more about health and beauty also. If on Monday I was telling you about food intolerance, today I want to tell you about a new therapy which I’ve tried recently.We all know the theory about a normal life, including myself and that’s: eight hours of sleep, hydration, periodically detoxification and not only physical but also psychic, healthy food, sport and soul nurturing. Unfortunatelly, myself and many others are caught up in this world in which things change so fast and you need to keep up. This is not always beneficial for our organism.I am not against aesthetic surgery, but I’m always trying to find non-invasive methods. Prevention is, from my point of view,...
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12 Nov

Natural Nutrition- the beauty cult product

Recently I had the honour of being the host of a special event for me. As I was telling you in the previous post, we introduce a lot of chemicals in our organism daily through air and processed aliments. Another way that our body is invaded by this chemicals is through what we apply on the surface of our body, like creams, deodorants and make-up. I was telling during the event about a study that I read some time ago and I want to share it with you also; it got to the conclusion that annualy we have a three kilograms intake of chemicals only from what we apply on our skin. That’s why I was very excited when I...
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