My dears, this week’s recipe is one of my favourites. Because I like figs very much I thought I should use them in one of my recipes for my blog (I use them in many mixtures which I make in the blender, but now I wanted their shape to be seen, not to grind them). And because fruit goes so well with yogurt and cereal, I mixed a bio Olimpus yogurt with Crunchy bio cereal from Verival or crunchy cereal with forest fruit from Sanovita.
I put the mixture in a thin layer on the bottom of the glass, I decorated with figs the side of the glass and in the middle I added more of the mixture, I put almonds and another quantity of yogurt and cereal, and for the decoration I used almonds and figs. As I said before, the decoration is just for the pictures, but you can mix all the ingredients in a bowl and the taste will be the same. Because I took the picture in the evening and I didn’t want to eat at that moment, I let it in the fridge ‘til the morning. Then I had the most delicious breakfast and even if the glass doesn’t seem big, I was full after just half of it. I hope you will like it too! Enjoy!

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Breakfast with figs
Carmen Negoita
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Maria is on fashion
Ca de obicei inca o idee grozava, eu personal am incercato si pe cea cu avocado si cu siguranta o voi incerca si pe aceasta 🙂
Svetlana Prodanic
Love all your outfits…great style you have….