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16 Mar

10 reasons why you should visit Israel – part I

Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Travel
But first the story. Last month I was invited by Sorin Dutoiu &  Christian Stan  from Travel for Senses in a trip organized with Israeli Ministry of Tourism , to discover what wonderful places this country offers. Until then, Israel meant to me, primarily, holy places full of stories, places that  I wanted to see since I was a kid . I was born into a religious family and studied the Bible every week, so to see those places was a dream come true. But I discovered that Israel is much more than that. I was impressed by how modern this country is, they super nightlife, the food, the avant-garde designers and the last but not least, the very...
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19 Feb

My Palau adventure – Part III

Peleliu Island Bloody Beach
The last part of my Palau adventure began on the island of Peleliu, where one of the most important battles between Americans and Japanese took place in World War II The island is full of remnants reminiscent of the bloody battle. Rusty tanks, guns, and holes in Mount Umurbrogol, from where the  Japanese were defending themselves. Photos by Rares PulbereI was telling you in the previous post that we stayed at Storyboard, a complex of 6 houses overlooking the beach. The place is very well maintained, good food, but in the evening is better to stay indoors because it is full of insects, crabs and other creatures.In fact the whole island has live beaches in the evening. I do not recommend to...
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16 Jan

7 cities I want to visit in 2017

One of my greatest wishes in 2017, is to travel. And I do not mean in legal holidays or take a city break two 2 times a year. I want to become a professional traveler. Wow how does that sounds.? In black and white it sounds pompous even to me. I am very conscious that my wish in this moment is not feasible, but I think it’s not impossible. So, let's say it's a long-term desire and what I’ll do in the next 12 months will bring me closer to my dream. So this year will begin with a short list of seven new cities that I want to visit. Some are being planned, but the vast majority of them are...
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21 Dec

My Palau Adventure – Part II

If in the first post I was telling you that we got adjusted to the island and moved a bit with the kayaks, in this post we have enough adrenaline. We decided that we must discover everything the island has to offer. We started with a land tour for recognition, which was not very hard. The island has a road on the east side and one on the west side ?. The rest are some little threads on the map and you are not advised to go that way (but we don’t like to be told what to do ?) The first day I went with a guide, in Babeldaob, the largest island, north of Koror. I saw Ngardmau Falls, which is very...
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13 Dec

First part of my Palau adventure

Back to reality, cold and routine, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It is nice to go on vacation, but at some point I  start to miss darling people in my life, my bed and the intimacy of my home. But enough nostalgia. Today I want to tell you about the special places I have visited in my last vacation in Palau. Until I found the offer, I didn’t even know where Palau is on the map and now I’m watching documentaries about the island. I don’t know a cheap route to recommend you. You can track the apps in the last travel post and maybe a system error occurs. (Now there’s an Amsterdam-Palau offer for 450 euros) Otherwise I believe the...
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12 Nov

Top travel applications

I wrote in my last travel post how much I like to travel. However, most of the time time, however, budget, and time does not allow me to do this as often as I'd like. I want to explore and visit at least once every country on the globe. But some destinations inaccessible, as was Panama. Many friends and readers have asked me how I got there and why we chose this country. When I have time, I read about unique  destinations  and I love to explore everything new. Known roads are also interesting, but they lack adrenaline.I wrote about Panama in to long posts. If you didn’t read them, go here and here.This week I started a new experience,...
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24 Sep

Why you need to book a ticket to Panama II

And after all this adrenaline and cold weather it’s necessary to go to the beach. I think the tourist region is the Bocas de Toro island, an archipelago so diverse and impressive that it is hard to describe in words or to explain why I like it so much. Each escapade on its various islands or even on the main island is an adventure. In Almirante leave the car parked in one of the special places and take one of the rides to Isla Colon, the main island in the archipelago. You will meet many locals on bicycles eager to help you leave your car and to find a boat. They don’t organize the rides they want tips but will help...
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30 Aug

Why you need to book a ticket to Panama

After my Panama vacation, I received lots of questions on Facebook and promised I’ll do a post about my recent beautiful experience in this country and about my first trip there also. That was last year, in 2015. If Panama is on your travel list, hope this tips will help.As a first tip, it would be ideal if you visit the country at the end of May - beginning of June, for two reasons. Plane tickets are cheaper, from Bucharest with Turkish Airlines it is about 480 euro and with KLM 520 euros, and you avoid the rain season also. True, it is quite awesome to go during winter holidays but the tickets are quite expensive.Also, I recommend you rent...
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19 Aug


Like everybody, I dreamt about the vacation as a I child and some of my favourite memories are the trips with my grandparent at Saint Ann Lake & the bear encounters. When I was invited to rediscover Covasna along with a fun group of people, I said yes instantly. Traditional goodies, the famous “palinca”, mofettes and lots of treatments and adventures. That was my 3 day intense trip in Covasna. The road from Bucharest to St. George was a good opportunity to get to know my colleagues better, and after the first shot of “palinca” at Nobilis Potio we became instant friends. For me, which drank alcohol for the first time at 30, tasting “palinca” was an unique experience, also a first....
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