Every day we have an intake of chemicals in our body from the air we breathe, but also through processed aliments. That’s why, from time to time, our body needs a cleaning or in modern terms, a detox. The best method trough which we can do that is a proper diet. Some choose a juice diet , others preffer detox salads, based mostly on green colour aliments. Why green?Because everything that is green alkalizes our body. Through using processed aliments in our daily menus our body gets too much acidity, and in an acid environment all bacteria and diseases have a proper place to multiplicate. The moment we choose to give up thermic prepared aliments and we base our diet only on juices and salads for some days or weeks our body gets back its ballance. If we succeed, we eliminate toxins, the blood oxygenates, the body alkalizes and you have a general well-being feeling.
The salad which I prepared may not be the tastiest in the world, but I assure you it doesn’t have a bad taste. But you have to think at the benefits it offers you. On a spinach bed I put avocado, pumpkin seeds and wheat germs.Add a little Himalayan salt and avocado oil (Olivado oils which you can find on www.rawyal.ro) and the salad is ready. Enjoy!

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Carmen Negoita
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foarte interesanta reteta, si curata, adica nu prea procesate ingredientele, ceea ce face sa-si pastreze toate savoarea lor proprie
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